親愛的合作夥伴,我謹代表世界綠色基礎設施網絡,熱烈邀請您參加第四屆歐洲綠色基礎設施日活動。該活動將於2025 年4 月24 日(9 點30 分至12 點30 分)在位於歐洲區、靠近歐洲機構的L42 會議室舉行。
歐洲綠色基礎設施日(EGIDay)是在布魯塞爾舉行的政策會議,致力於交流歐盟城市綠色基礎設施現狀的意見,並討論如何為公民、企業和環境釋放其多重利益。本次活動的重點是確保城市地區的水資源復原力,以及城市綠色基礎設施在此背景下的作用,以迎接預計於2025 年第二季度發布的歐洲水資源復原力戰略。
Luigi Petito
Dear Partner,
On behalf of the
World Green Infrastructure Network, I would like to warmly invite you to the
fourth edition of the European Green Infrastructure Day, taking place on the 24th of April 2025 (9h30 to 12h30) in person at
the L42 conference room, situated in the European quarter, close to the European Institutions.
The European Green Infrastructure Day (EGIDay) is the Brussels based policy conference dedicated to exchange views on the state of affairs of urban green infrastructure in the EU and discuss how to unlock their multiple benefits, for citizens, businesses and the environment. For this edition, the event will be focused on ensuring the water resilience of urban areas, and the role of urban green infrastructure in that context, ahead of the publication of the European Water Resilience Strategy, expected during Q2 2025. You can find the draft programme of the event attached to this email for your convenience.
We would be very grateful if you could confirm your participation by registering using
this form at your earliest convenience.
Kind regards,
Luigi Petito