會議將於2025 年3 月21 日在波蘭華沙舉行,並將進行線上直播。
2. 世界綠色基礎設施網絡代表:就城市自然恢復法案發表演講。
3. 城市環境中的永續雨水管理。
4. 生物太陽能屋頂。
該會議引起了媒體的廣泛關注,媒體合作夥伴包括Greenroofs.com、ZielonaInfrastruktura.pl 和月刊ZieleńMiejska。荷蘭王國駐波蘭大使館也是這次活動的合作夥伴。
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to invite you to participate in the international conference titled
“Greening Modern Cities: The Role of Green Roofs and Living Walls in Adapting Cities to Climate Change.” This event is organized by the Polish Green Roofs Association.
The conference will take place in person on
March 21, 2025, in Warsaw, Poland, and will also be streamed online.
The program includes, among others, presentations on:
A representative from the Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Policy Department of the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment.
A representative from the World Green Infrastructure Network on the Urban Nature Restoration Act.
Sustainable rainwater management in urban environments.
Biosolar roofs.
The latest trends in green architecture.
The conference aims to showcase:
Exemplary projects of green and green-blue infrastructure.
The latest research findings.
Programs supporting the promotion and implementation of green infrastructure.
New technologies in green and green-blue infrastructure.
This annual international event is designed for a diverse audience, including representatives from public administration, local governments, academics, architects, landscape architects, developers, construction companies, experts in green roofs and green-blue infrastructure, journalists, students, and all who are passionate about the subject. All presentations will be simultaneously translated into either Polish or English, depending on the speaker’s language.
The conference has garnered significant media attention, with media partners such as Greenroofs.com, ZielonaInfrastruktura.pl, and the monthly magazine
ZieleńMiejska. The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland is also a partner of the event.
For the full program, speaker profiles, and registration details, please visit gmc.psdz.pl.
We warmly welcome you to attend the conference in person or online!
On behalf of the organising committee,
Marta Weber-Siwirska
dr inż. Marta Weber - Siwirska
Marta Weber - Siwirska, PhD
Department of Landscape Architecture,
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr), Poland
Prezes Polskiego Stowarzyszenia "Dachy Zielone"
Chairperson, Polish Green Roof Association
Członek Zarządu Światowej Sieci Zielonej Infrastruktury (WGIN)
Board member, World Green Infrastructure Network
★For the full program, speaker profiles, and registration details, please visit gmc.psdz.pl.:
★registration details: