類別:最新消息 |
標題名稱: |
World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 20-22 June 2017 in Berlin |
發佈日期: |
2023-10-24 |
詳細內容: |
Congress on roof, facade and interior greening
World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 20-22 June 2017 in Berlin
This year, Berlin will play host to the World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 2017 from 20-22 June 2017, at which more than 80 speakers will provide information about topics related to roof, facade and interior greening and their possible applications. A particular focus lies on the topics of sustainable building, rainwater usage, green space white paper by the German federal government, biological diversity, urban strategies in building greening, care and maintenance, cost-benefit considerations and future city, among others. On the third day, excursions take place to various reference properties in Berlin.
The aims of the event are diverse: besides a transfer of knowledgeand highlighting of best practice examples by experts from Germany and abroad, these are networking and an exchange of experiences across all of the themes between representatives from politics, architecture, cities, urban planning, household water management, industry and the property sector, manufacturers, processors, research, teaching and associations.
The organiser of the congress is Fachvereinigung Bauwerksbegrünung e.V. (FBB), accompanied by the world and Europe associations WGIN and EFB. The Federal Minister for Construction and the Environment, Dr. Barbara Hendricks, and the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, have assumed the patronage of the event. The Senate Administration for Urban Development and the Environment is providing support for the technical and organisational preparations. The list of cooperation partners is long. They are, among others, Architektenkammer Berlin, Bund Deutscher Architekten e.V., Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten e.V., Verband Beratender Ingenieure e.V., Verband Deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieurvereine e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V., Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. , Internationale Gartenausstellung IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH and Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin g GmbH.
Renowned FBB members are supporting the congress as gold sponsors: Optigrün international AG, Sika Deutschland GmbH, Bauder GmbH & Co. KG.
Interested parties can participate in the form of talks, posters, exhibition stands and advertising.
Fachvereinigung Bauwerksbegrünung e.V. (FBB)
Kanalstraße 2
66130 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 681 9880570
Fax +49 681 9880572
E-mail info@fbb.de
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